Course Venue:

All courses are held in our own training facility in Birkenhead, Wirral. For exact location please see the Traing Centre page: DJT Electrical Training Centre


To make a reservation for a course please click on the appropriate 'Details & Book' button next to the course details. Alternativley you can download the booking form and send it in with your cheque Course Booking Form. If no space is available on your choosen date we will contact you to offer an alternative date for your training, or give you a full refund of any deposit or course fees paid.

Cheques should be made payable to D.J Tinsley Consultancy Ltd. Our address for reservations etc can be found on the contact page.


All course fees are inclusive of VAT.

To make a reservation for a course please click on the appropriate 'Details & Book' button above to make your booking
  Alternativley you can download the booking form below and send it in with your cheque
Course Booking Form.